The Year of the Wood Dragon Unveiled:
In the realm of Chinese astrology, the Year of the Wood Dragon dawns upon us, intertwining the powerful characteristics of The Dragon with the nurturing essence of Wood. As the Lunar New Year commenced on February 10, 2024, -this enchanting combination promises a year marked by growth, vitality, and the blossoming of wisdom. It is also the year of a New Era that will set the tone for the next decade or two also symbolizing leadership, power, and positive change. Those who are born in the year of The Dragon are belived to hold "Special Gifts" Those (like this author) born in dragon years, recently including 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964 and 1952, according to the zodiac system, are said to be visionary leaders with a strong sense of self, energetic, determined, idealistic and independent.
-Smithsonian Magazine
February 10th, 2024